Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Munir, Rahim; Cieplechowicz, Edward; Lamarche, Renaud Miclette; Chernikov, Roman; Trudel, Simon et al. (2021). Air‐Processed Organic Photovoltaics for Outdoor and Indoor Use Based upon a Tin Oxide‐Perylene Diimide Electron Transporting Bilayer. Advanced Materials Interfaces 9(3) , 2101918. 10.1002/admi.202101918. BIOXAS, BIOXAS-MAIN, BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY Materials
Haja, Dominik K.; Wu, Chang-Hao; Ponomarenko, Olena; Poole, Farris L.; George, Graham N. et al. (2020). Improving Arsenic Tolerance of Pyrococcus furiosus by Heterologous Expression of a Respiratory Arsenate Reductase. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 86(21) . 10.1128/aem.01728-20. BIOXAS, BIOXAS-MAIN, BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY Agriculture
Randell, Nicholas M.; Miclette Lamarche, Renaud; Tintori, Franceso; Chernikov, Roman; Welch, Gregory C. et al. (2021). Photodeposited Polyamorphous CuOx Hole-Transport Layers in Organic Photovoltaics. ACS Applied Energy Materials 4(11) , 12900-12908. 10.1021/acsaem.1c02577. BIOXAS, BIOXAS-MAIN, BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY Materials
Zoroufchi Benis, Khaled; Shakouri, Mohsen; McPhedran, Kerry; Soltan, Jafar (2020). Enhanced arsenate removal by Fe-impregnated canola straw: assessment of XANES solid-phase speciation, impacts of solution properties, sorption mechanisms, and evolutionary polynomial regression (EPR) models. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28(10) , 12659-12676. 10.1007/s11356-020-11140-0. BIOXAS, BIOXAS-MAIN, BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY, BXDS-WLE Agriculture
Schoepfer, Valerie A.; Jamieson, Heather E.; Lindsay, Matthew B.J. (2024). Arsenic mineral and compound data as analyzed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Data in Brief 55, 110634. 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110634. BIOXAS-MAIN, BXDS-WHE, CMCF-BM Environment
Li, Meng; Zhuo, Haoxiang; Song, Miao; Gu, Yang; Yang, Xuan et al. (2024). Tailoring Cu-rich surface spinel phase for high-performance O3-type layered cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries. Nano Energy 123, 109375. 10.1016/j.nanoen.2024.109375. BIOXAS-MAIN, BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY Materials
Jalilehvand, Farideh; Homayonia, Saba; Zhang, Ping; Ling, Chang-Chun (2023). Gadolinium(III) complex formation with a β-cyclodextrin ligand: an XAS study of a potential MRI contrast agent. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry . 10.1007/s00775-023-02027-9. BIOXAS-MAIN, BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY Health
Deng, Ya-Ping; Jiang, Yi; Liang, Ruilin; Chen, Ning; Chen, Weiwei et al. (2023). Reconstructing 3d-Metal Electrocatalysts through Anionic Evolution in Zinc–Air Batteries. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145(37) , 20248-20260. 10.1021/jacs.3c03214. BIOXAS-MAIN, BIOXAS-SIDE, BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY, BXDS-WHE, BXDS-WLE, HXMA, SGM, VESPERS Materials
Miclette Lamarche, Renaud; Gasonoo, Akpeko; Hoff, Anderson; Chernikov, Roman; Welch, Gregory C. et al. (2023). Room-Temperature Photodeposited Amorphous VOx Hole-Transport Layers for Organic Devices. Chemistry of Materials 35(6) , 2353-2362. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c03305. BIOXAS-MAIN, BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY Materials
Lum, Jullieta E.; Schoepfer, Valerie A.; Jamieson, Heather E.; McBeth, Joyce M.; Radková, Anežka Borčinová et al. (2023). Arsenic and antimony geochemistry of historical roaster waste from the Giant Mine, Yellowknife, Canada. Journal of Hazardous Materials 458, 132037. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.132037. BIOXAS-MAIN, BIOXAS-SIDE, CMCF-BM Environment
Schoepfer, Valerie A.; Lindsay, Matthew B.J. (2022). Repartitioning of co-precipitated Mo(VI) during Fe(II) and S(-II) driven ferrihydrite transformation. Chemical Geology 610, 121075. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121075. BIOXAS-MAIN, CMCF-BM, SXRMB Environment
Schoepfer, Valerie A.; Lindsay, Matthew B.J. (2022). X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction data for molybdenum minerals and compounds. Data in Brief 45, 108576. 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108576. BIOXAS-MAIN, CMCF-BM, SXRMB Environment
Schoepfer, Valerie A.; Lum, Jullieta E.; Lindsay, Matthew B. J. (2021). Molybdenum(VI) Sequestration Mechanisms During Iron(II)-Induced Ferrihydrite Transformation. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 5(8) , 2094-2104. 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00152. BIOXAS-MAIN, CMCF-BM Environment
Jiang, Yi; Deng, Ya-Ping; Liang, Ruilin; Chen, Ning; King, Graham et al. (2022). Linker-Compensated Metal–Organic Framework with Electron Delocalized Metal Sites for Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144(11) , 4783-4791. 10.1021/jacs.1c10295. BIOXAS-MAIN, BXDS-WHE, HXMA, SGM, SXRMB Materials
Sudheeshkumar, V.; Sulaiman, Kazeem O.; Scott, Robert W. J. (2020). Activation of atom-precise clusters for catalysis. Nanoscale Advances 2(1) , 55-69. 10.1039/c9na00549h. BIOXAS-MAIN, BIOXAS-SIDE, BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY Materials