Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Zhu, Y; Samadi, N; Martinson, M; Bassey, B; Wei, Z et al. (2014). SpectralK-edge subtraction imaging. Physics in Medicine and Biology 59(10) , 2485-2503. 10.1088/0031-9155/59/10/2485. BMIT-BM Materials
Zhang, Yuzhou; Hirpara, Viral; Patel, Virat; Li, Chen; Anderson, Ryan et al. (2021). Imaging of desaturation of the frozen gas diffusion layers by synchrotron X-ray radiography. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46(34) , 17897-17908. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.02.197. BMIT-BM Materials
Zhang, Wenyao; Yao, Qiushi; Wang, Chao; Feng, Renfei; Chen, Ning et al. (2023). Taming Zn Electrochemistry with Carbon Nitride: Atomically Gradient Interphase for Highly Reversible Aqueous Zn Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials , 2303590. 10.1002/adfm.202303590. BMIT-BM, HXMA, VESPERS Materials
Zhai, Kaiyuan; Guo, Liang; Zhu, Ning; Tang, Jiayi; Yu, Liusi et al. (2024). The Impact of Temperature on CO2 Corrosion and the Formation of Corrosion Product Film. Corrosion 80(6) , 589-602. 10.5006/4529. BMIT-ID Materials
You, Fu; Wu, Xia; Zhu, Ning; Lei, Ming; Eames, B. Frank et al. (2016). 3D Printing of Porous Cell-Laden Hydrogel Constructs for Potential Applications in Cartilage Tissue Engineering. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 2(7) , 1200-1210. 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.6b00258. BMIT-ID Materials
Yang, Leixin; Ma, Qianyi; Yin, Yuelong; Luo, Dan; Shen, Yujie et al. (2023). Construction of desolvated ionic COF artificial SEI layer stabilized Zn metal anode by in-situ electrophoretic deposition. Nano Energy 117, 108799. 10.1016/j.nanoen.2023.108799. BMIT-BM, VESPERS Materials
Wysokinski, Tomasz W.; Renier, Michel; Suortti, Pekka; Belev, George; Rousset, Léo et al. (2018). High-power-load DCLM monochromator for a computed tomography program at BMIT at energies of 25–150 keV. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 25(5) , 1548-1555. 10.1107/s1600577518008639. BMIT-ID Materials
Wiebe, S; Rhoades, G; Wei, Z; Rosenberg, A; Belev, G et al. (2013). Understanding refraction contrast using a comparison of absorption and refraction computed tomographic techniques. Journal of Instrumentation 8(05) , C05004-C05004. 10.1088/1748-0221/8/05/c05004. BMIT-BM Materials
Wiebe, Sheldon; Wysokinski, Tomasz W.; Belev, George; Miller, Denise; Webb, Adam et al. (2015). Biomedical Imaging Using Synchrotron Radiation: Experience at the Biomedical Imaging and Therapy (BMIT) Facility at the Canadian Light Source. Synchrotron Radiation News 28(5) , 16-23. 10.1080/08940886.2015.1080065. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Materials
Wiebe, Sheldon; Samadi, Nazanin; Belev, George; Martinson, Mercedes; Bassey, Bassey et al. (2015). Small and Ultra-Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Contrast Obtained With a Synchrotron-Based Shack–Hartmann Imaging System. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 62(5) , 2031-2035. 10.1109/tns.2015.2470555. BMIT-BM Materials
Webb, M A; Belev, G; Wysokinski, T W; Chapman, D (2013). Diffraction enhanced imaging computed tomography (DEI-CT) at the BMIT facility at the Canadian Light Source. Journal of Instrumentation 8(08) , C08002-1 - C08002-5. 10.1088/1748-0221/8/08/c08002. BMIT-BM Materials
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Song, Ping; Natale, Giovanniantonio; Wang, Jingyi; Bond, Toby; Hejazi, Hossein et al. (2018). 2D and 3D Metal-Organic Framework at the Oil/Water Interface: A Case Study of Copper Benzenedicarboxylate. Advanced Materials Interfaces 6(2) , 1801139. 10.1002/admi.201801139. BMIT-ID Materials
Simovich, Tomer; Ritchie, Cameron; Belev, George; Cooper, David M. L.; Lamb, Robert N. et al. (2017). Superhydrophobicity from the Inside. Langmuir 33(49) , 13990-13995. 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b01350. BMIT-ID Materials
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