Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Blocka, Carter; Fan Ding, Xiao; Zhu, Ning; Zhang, Lifeng (2024). Experimental investigation of dynamic drying in single pharmaceutical granules containing acetaminophen or carbamazepine using synchrotron X-ray micro computed tomography. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 665, 124664. 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2024.124664. BMIT-BM Health
Sivakumar, Chitra; Stobbs, Jarvis A.; Tu, Kaiyang; Karunakaran, Chithra; Paliwal, Jitendra et al. (2024). Investigating the microstructure of chickpea and navy bean flour blends produced by roller milling: Insights from Fourier transform mid-infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and synchrotron X-ray techniques. Advanced Powder Technology 35(11) , 104674. 10.1016/j.apt.2024.104674. BMIT-BM, BXDS, BXDS-WLE, MID-IR Agriculture