Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Bailey, Alexandra Susann (2017). Characterization of arsenic-hosting solid phases in Giant mine tailings and tailings dust. Queen’s University. CLS-APS Environment
Beukes, J.P.; du Preez, S.P.; van Zyl, P.G.; Paktunc, D.; Fabritius, T. et al. (2017). Review of Cr(VI) environmental practices in the chromite mining and smelting industry – Relevance to development of the Ring of Fire, Canada. Journal of Cleaner Production 165, 874-889. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.07.176. CLS-APS Environment
Blowes, D.W.; Ptacek, C.J.; Jambor, J.L.; Weisener, C.G.; Paktunc, D. et al. (2014). The Geochemistry of Acid Mine Drainage. In Barbara Sherwood Lollar(Ed.), Treatise on Geochemistry. Elsevier. , 131-190 10.1016/b978-0-08-095975-7.00905-0. CLS-APS Environment
Franzblau, Rachel; Loick, Nadine; Weisener, Christopher (2014). Investigating the Effects of Se Solid Phase Substitution in Jarosite Minerals Influenced by Bacterial Reductive Dissolution. Minerals 4(1) , 17-36. 10.3390/min4010017. CLS-APS Environment
Katherine E. Feick (2017). An Evaluation of the Lithologies and Geochemistry of the Upper Beaver Deposit of the Kirkland Lake Area. Supervisor: Banerjee, Neil R.; Van Loon, Lisa L.. Ontario, Canada: Western University. . CLS-APS, VESPERS Environment
Katherine E. Feick (2017). An Evaluation of the Lithologies and Geochemistry of the Upper Beaver Deposit of the Kirkland Lake Area. Supervisor: Banerjee, Neil R.; Van Loon, Lisa L.. Ontario, Canada: Western University. . CLS-APS, VESPERS Environment
Liana K.T. Stammers (2016). Geochemical Constraints of the Gold Mineralization Sources from the South Mine Complex and the Main/’04 Breaks, Macassa Mine, Kirkland Lake, Ontario. Supervisor: Banerjee, Neil R.; Van Loon, Lisa L.. ON, Canada: Western University. . CLS-APS, VESPERS Environment
Liana K.T. Stammers (2016). Geochemical Constraints of the Gold Mineralization Sources from the South Mine Complex and the Main/’04 Breaks, Macassa Mine, Kirkland Lake, Ontario. Supervisor: Banerjee, Neil R.; Van Loon, Lisa L.. ON, Canada: Western University. . CLS-APS, VESPERS Environment
McDonald, Andrew M.; Cabri, Louis J.; Stanley, Chris J.; Good, David J.; Redpath, Jason et al. (2015). Coldwellite, Pd3Ag2S, A New Mineral Species From the Marathon Deposit, Coldwell Complex, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Mineralogist 53(5) , 845-857. 10.3749/canmin.1500020. CLS-APS Environment
Petrash, Daniel A. (2016). The trace metal content of modern and ancient peritidal and shallow subtidal dolomites: significance and systematics. Supervisor: Konhauser, Kurt. AB CA: University of Alberta. CLS-APS, MID-IR Environment
Petrash, Daniel A. (2016). The trace metal content of modern and ancient peritidal and shallow subtidal dolomites: significance and systematics. Supervisor: Konhauser, Kurt. AB CA: University of Alberta. CLS-APS, MID-IR Environment