Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Franzblau, Rachel; Loick, Nadine; Weisener, Christopher (2014). Investigating the Effects of Se Solid Phase Substitution in Jarosite Minerals Influenced by Bacterial Reductive Dissolution. Minerals 4(1) , 17-36. 10.3390/min4010017. CLS-APS Environment
Liu, Yijin; Wang, Junyue; Azuma, Masaki; Mao, Wendy L.; Yang, Wenge et al. (2014). Five-dimensional visualization of phase transition in BiNiO3 under high pressure. Applied Physics Letters 104(4) , 043108. 10.1063/1.4863229. CLS-APS
Lobacheva, O.; Chavarha, M.; Yiu, Y. M.; Sham, T. K.; Goncharova, L. V. et al. (2014). The local structure and ferromagnetism in Fe-implanted SrTiO3 single crystals. Journal of Applied Physics 116(1) , 013901. 10.1063/1.4886875. CLS-APS, SGM
Moriarty, Maeve M.; Lai, Vivian W.-M.; Koch, Iris; Cui, Longpeng; Combs, Chris et al. (2014). Speciation and toxicity of arsenic in mining-affected lake sediments in the Quinsam watershed, British Columbia. Science of the Total Environment 466-467, 90-99. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.07.005. CLS-APS
Murphy, M. W.; Yiu, Y. M.; Ward, M. J.; Liu, L.; Hu, Y. et al. (2014). Electronic structure and optical properties of CdSxSe1−x solid solution nanostructures from X-ray absorption near edge structure, X-ray excited optical luminescence, and density functional theory investigations. Journal of Applied Physics 116(19) , 193709. 10.1063/1.4902390. CLS-APS
Nearing, Michelle M.; Koch, Iris; Reimer, Kenneth J. (2014). Arsenic Speciation in Edible Mushrooms. Environmental Science & Technology 48(24) , 14203-14210. 10.1021/es5038468. CLS-APS
Nearing, Michelle M.; Koch, Iris; Reimer, Kenneth J. (2014). Complementary arsenic speciation methods: A review. Spectrochimica Acta. Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 99, 150-162. 10.1016/j.sab.2014.07.001. CLS-APS
Nyrow, A.; Sternemann, C.; Wilke, M.; Gordon, R. A.; Mende, K. et al. (2014). Iron speciation in minerals and glasses probed by $$\hbox{M}_{2/3}$$ M 2 / 3 -edge X-ray Raman scattering spectroscopy. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 167(5) . 10.1007/s00410-014-1012-8. CLS-APS
Prince, Lisa; Korbas, Malgorzata; Davidson, Philip; Broberg, Karin; Rand, Matthew Dearborn et al. (2014). Target Organ Specific Activity of Drosophila MRP (ABCC1) Moderates Developmental Toxicity of Methylmercury. Toxicological Sciences 140(2) , 425-435. 10.1093/toxsci/kfu095. CLS-APS
Pushie, M. Jake; Pickering, Ingrid J.; Korbas, Malgorzata; Hackett, Mark J.; George, Graham N. et al. (2014). Elemental and Chemically Specific X-ray Fluorescence Imaging of Biological Systems. Chemical Reviews 114(17) , 8499-8541. 10.1021/cr4007297. CLS-APS Agriculture
Sahle, Ch J; Sternemann, C; Sternemann, H; Tse, J S; Gordon, R A et al. (2014). The Ba 4d–4f giant dipole resonance in complex Ba/Si compounds. Journal of Physics B: Atomic. Molecular and Optical Physics 47(4) , 045102. 10.1088/0953-4075/47/4/045102. CLS-APS
Shuster, Jeremiah; Johnston, Chad W.; Magarvey, Nathan A.; Gordon, Robert A.; Barron, Keith et al. (2014). Structural and Chemical Characterization of Placer Gold Grains: Implications for Bacterial Contributions to Grain Formation. Geomicrobiology Journal 32(2) , 158-169. 10.1080/01490451.2014.935534. CLS-APS Environment
Sun, Cheng-Jun; Zhang, Bangmin; Brewe, Dale L.; Chen, Jing-Sheng; Chow, G. M. et al. (2014). Note: Application of a pixel-array area detector to simultaneous single crystal x-ray diffraction and x-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements. Review of Scientific Instruments 85(4) , 046109. 10.1063/1.4871055. CLS-APS
Walker, James D.S.; Hayes, John R.; Grosvenor, Andrew P. (2014). Examination of the site preference of metals in NiAl2−GaO spinel-type oxides by X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 195, 139-144. 10.1016/j.elspec.2014.06.013. CLS-APS, VLS-PGM
Woll, Arthur R; Agyeman-Budu, David; Choudhury, Sanjukta; Coulthard, Ian; Finnefrock, Adam C et al. (2014). Lithographically-fabricated channel arrays for confocal x-ray fluorescence microscopy and XAFS. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 493, 012028. 10.1088/1742-6596/493/1/012028. CLS-APS Materials