Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Chen, Ziyi (2020). X-ray Spectroscopy Studies of Ligand-protected and Zeolite-confined Silver Nanoclusters. Dalhousie University. CLS-APS Materials
Cole, Kevin Mark (2022). Amorphous Ni-Based Alloys as Alkaline Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts. Canada: University of Toronto. CLS-APS Materials
Cormier, Z. (2011). Inducing and Characterizing Structural Changes in RuO2.xH2O. Canada, ON: Dalhousie University. . CLS-APS, SXRMB Materials
Do, David (2020). X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies of Metal and Metal-Oxide Nanocatalysts. Dalhousie University. CLS-APS Materials
G. Donato (2019). Development of glass-ceramic composites by one-step synthesis methods. Supervisor: Grosvenor, Andrew. SK, Canada: University of Saskatoon. . CLS-APS Materials
Giovanni Donato (2019). Development of Glass-Ceramic Composites by One-Step Synthesis Methods. Supervisor: Grosvenor, Andrew. Saskatoon, SK, Canada: Department of Chemistry University of Saskatchewan. CLS-APS, VLS-PGM Materials
Kong, Lingyi (2017). Zinc remediation by zero-Valent iron and the associated isotope fractionation: batch experiments. University of Waterloo. CLS-APS Materials
Marbella, Lauren Elizabeth (2016). NMR characterization of metal nanoparticle formation, structure, and performance. University of Pittsburgh. CLS-APS Materials
McCaugherty, Sarah (2018). Effect of synthetic method on the structure of pyrochlore-and zirconolite-type oxides. Supervisor: Grosvenor, Andrew. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. CLS-APS Materials
Pritam Saha (2017). "Monitoring the dissolution of sparingly soluble oxide minerals at extreme temperatures and pressures using the hydrothermal diamond anvil cell”. Supervisor: Alan Anderson. Nova Scotia, Canada: St. Francis Xavier University. . CLS-APS Materials
Pritam Saha (2017). Monitoring the dissolution of sparingly soluble oxide minerals at extreme temperatures and pressures using the hydrothermal diamond anvil cell. Supervisor: Anderson, Alan. Nova Scotia, Canada: St. Francis Xavier University. . CLS-APS Materials
Shepit, Michael Melvin Joseph (2020). Using antiferromagnetic Co3O4 shapes and ferrimagnetic CuxCo3-xO4 to quantify broken and modified exchange interactions at the surface and core of nanoparticles. Supervisor: van Lierop, Johan. Manitoba, Canada: University of Manitoba. CLS-APS Materials
Sifat, Rahin (2018). The effect of chemical substitution on the local structure of garnet-type oxides that have nuclear waste sequestration applications. Supervisor: Grosvenor, Andrew. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. CLS-APS Materials
Thomas, Evan (2021). Designing and commissioning of a prototype high energy resolution fluorescence detection system at the Canadian Light Source. Supervisor: Jiang, De-Tong. Ontario, Canada: University of Guelph. CLS-APS Materials
Ting, Michelle (2021). Impact of Transition Metal Redox on Next-Generation Li-Rich Cathodes for Li-Ion Batteries. McGill University. CLS-APS Materials