Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Angai, Joanne U.; Ptacek, Carol J.; Pakostova, Eva; Bain, Jeff G.; Verbuyst, Brent R. et al. (2022). Removal of arsenic and metals from groundwater impacted by mine waste using zero-valent iron and organic carbon: Laboratory column experiments. Journal of Hazardous Materials 424, 127295. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127295. CLS-APS, SXRMB Environment
Bao, Zhongwen; Al, Tom; Bain, Jeff; Shrimpton, Heather K.; Finfrock, Y. Zou et al. (2022). Sphalerite weathering and controls on Zn and Cd migration in mine waste rock: An integrated study from the molecular scale to the field scale. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 318, 1-18. 10.1016/j.gca.2021.11.007. CLS-APS Environment
Bao, Zhongwen; Bain, Jeff; Saurette, Emily; Zou Finfrock, Y.; Hu, Yongfeng et al. (2022). Mineralogy-dependent sulfide oxidation via polysulfide and thiosulfate pathways during weathering of mixed-sulfide bearing mine waste rock. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 317, 523-537. 10.1016/j.gca.2021.10.012. CLS-APS, SXRMB Environment
Cai, Weiping; Wang, Yujun; Feng, Yu; Liu, Peng; Dong, Shuofei et al. (2022). Extraction and Quantification of Nanoparticulate Mercury in Natural Soils. Environmental Science & Technology 56(3) , 1763-1770. 10.1021/acs.est.1c07039. CLS-APS Environment
Gray, Devon B.; Gagnon, Vincent; Button, Mark; Farooq, Anbareen J.; Patch, David J. et al. (2022). Silver nanomaterials released from commercial textiles have minimal impacts on soil microbial communities at environmentally relevant concentrations. Science of the Total Environment 806, 151248. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151248. CLS-APS Environment
Li, Binrui; Liao, Peng; Liu, Peng; Wang, Dengjun; Ye, Zhihang et al. (2022). Formation, aggregation, and transport of NOM–Cr(iii) colloids in aquatic environments. Environmental Science: Nano 9(3) , 1133-1145. 10.1039/d1en00861g. CLS-APS Environment
Tang, Jinping; Ptacek, Carol J.; Blowes, David W.; Liu, YingYing; Feng, Yu et al. (2022). Mercury adsorption kinetics on sulfurized biochar and solid-phase digestion using aqua regia: A synchrotron-based study. Chemical Engineering Journal 428, 131362. 10.1016/j.cej.2021.131362. CLS-APS Environment
Hao; Chunyi (2021). Geometallurgy and Gold Mineralization of the Monument Bay Project, Stull Lake Greenstone Belt, Manitoba, Canada. Supervisor: Banerjee, Neil R.; Van Loon, Lisa L.. Ontario, Canada: The University of Western Ontario. CLS-APS, VESPERS Environment