Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Rao, Chandni (2012). Structural Studies of Hepatitic C Virus RNA Polymerase Replication Complexes. Supervisor: Ng, Kenneth. Alberta, Canada: University of Calgary. . CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Wong, Joyce Jia Wen (2012). Structural basis of TraD and sbmA recognition by TraM of F-like plasmids. Supervisor: Glover, Mark. Alberta, Canada: University of Alberta. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Loonchanta, Anantasak (2012). Structural studies of gelsolin and binding partners. Supervisor: Burtnick, Les . British Columbia, Canada: University of British Columbia. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Wong, Joyce J. W.; Lu, Jun; Edwards, Ross A.; Frost, Laura S.; Glover, J. N. Mark et al. (2011). Structural basis of cooperative DNA recognition by the plasmid conjugation factor, TraM. Nucleic Acids Research 39(15) , 6775-6788. 10.1093/nar/gkr296. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
King, Dustin T.; Worrall, Liam J.; Gruninger, Robert; Strynadka, Natalie C. J. (2012). New Delhi Metallo-β-Lactamase: Structural Insights into β-Lactam Recognition and Inhibition. Journal of the American Chemical Society 134(28) , 11362-11365. 10.1021/ja303579d. [PDB: 4exy, 4ey2, 4eyb, 4eyf, 4eyl] CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
J. Michael ELLIOTT; Justin Scheer (2012). Fc VARIANTS AND METHODS FOR THEIR PRODUCTION. Patent Number: WO2012106587A1. CMCF-ID Health
James, Terrence (2010). A structural examination of the Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Otu protease domain in the presence of the Ubiquitin and ISG15 substrates. Supervisor: Mark, Brian. Manitoba, Canada: University of Manitoba. CMCF-ID Health
Strynadka, N.C.J.; Lovering, A.L. (2010). Structure of the Wall Teichoic Acid Polymerase TagF. Protein Data Bank: 3l7i. CMCF-ID Health
Strushkevich, Natallia; Usanov, Sergey A.; Park, Hee-Won (2010). Structural Basis of Human CYP51 Inhibition by Antifungal Azoles. Journal of Molecular Biology 397(4) , 1067-1078. 10.1016/j.jmb.2010.01.075. [PDB: 3jus] CMCF-ID Health
Orriss, George L.; Patel, Trushar R.; Sorensen, John; Stetefeld, Jörg (2009). Absence of a catalytic water confers resistance to the neurotoxin gabaculine. FASEB Journal 24(2) , 404-414. 10.1096/fj.09-138297. CMCF-ID Health
Eble, Johannes A.; Niland, Stephan; Bracht, Thilo; Mormann, Michael; Peter-Katalinic, Jasna et al. (2009). The α2β1 integrin‐specific antagonist rhodocetin is a cruciform, heterotetrameric molecule. FASEB Journal 23(9) , 2917-2927. 10.1096/fj.08-126763. CMCF-ID Health
Rao, Chandni (2012). Structural Studies of Hepatitic C Virus RNA Polymerase Replication Complexes. Supervisor: Ng, Kenneth. Alberta, Canada: University of Calgary. . CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Wong, Joyce Jia Wen (2012). Structural basis of TraD and sbmA recognition by TraM of F-like plasmids. Supervisor: Glover, Mark. Alberta, Canada: University of Alberta. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Campbell, Stephen J (2012). Insights into the recruitment of BRCA1 to double strand DNA breaks. Supervisor: Glover, Mark. Alberta, Canada: University of Alberta. CMCF-ID Health
Gregg, Katie Jean (2011). Carbohydrate processing by bacterial pathogens: structural and functional analyses of glycoside hydrolases. Supervisor: Boraston, Alisdair B.. British Columbia, Canada: University of Victoria. CMCF-ID Health