Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Pfoh, Roland; Lacdao, Ira Kay; Georges, Anna A.; Capar, Adam; Zheng, Hong et al. (2015). Crystal Structure of USP7 Ubiquitin-like Domains with an ICP0 Peptide Reveals a Novel Mechanism Used by Viral and Cellular Proteins to Target USP7. PLoS Pathogens 11(6) , e1004950. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004950. [PDB: 4wpi] CMCF-ID Health
Rao, D.E.C.S.; Li, Y.; He, Y.; Luo, Y. (2015). RadA from Methanococcus Voltae in complex with copper phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate inhibitor. Protein Data Bank: 4qkq. CMCF-ID Health
Setser, J.W.; Poy, F.; Tang, Y.; Bellon, S.F. (2015). Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 with benzotriazolo-diazepine scaffold. Protein Data Bank: 4z1s. CMCF-ID Health
Singh, Sheo B.; Kaelin, David E.; Wu, Jin; Miesel, Lynn; Tan, Christopher M. et al. (2015). Tricyclic 1,5-naphthyridinone oxabicyclooctane-linked novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors as broad-spectrum antibacterial agents-SAR of left-hand-side moiety (Part-2). Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 25(9) , 1831-1835. 10.1016/j.bmcl.2015.03.044. [PDB: 5bs3] CMCF-ID Health
Sivaprakasam, Prasanna; Han, Xiaojun; Civiello, Rita L.; Jacutin-Porte, Swanee; Kish, Kevin et al. (2015). Discovery of new acylaminopyridines as GSK-3 inhibitors by a structure guided in-depth exploration of chemical space around a pyrrolopyridinone core. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 25(9) , 1856-1863. 10.1016/j.bmcl.2015.03.046. [PDB: 4ptc] CMCF-ID Health
Tokarski, John S.; Zupa-Fernandez, Adriana; Tredup, Jeffrey A.; Pike, Kristen; Chang, ChiehYing et al. (2015). Tyrosine Kinase 2-mediated Signal Transduction in T Lymphocytes Is Blocked by Pharmacological Stabilization of Its Pseudokinase Domain. Journal of Biological Chemistry 290(17) , 11061-11074. 10.1074/jbc.m114.619502. [PDB: 4wov] CMCF-ID Health
Zamyatkin, D.F.; Parra, F.; Grochulski, P.; Ng, K.K.S. (2015). NV polymerase post-incorporation-like complex. Protein Data Bank: 4qpx. CMCF-ID Health