Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Ye, Q.; Vance, T.D.R.; Davies, P.L. (2020). Crystal structure of tetra-tandem repeat in extending region of large adhesion protein. Protein Data Bank: 6xi3. CMCF-ID Health
Ye, Q.; Vance, T.D.R.; Conroy, B.; Davies, P.L. (2020). Crystal structure of tetra-tandem repeat in extending RTX adhesin from Aeromonas hydrophila. Protein Data Bank: 6xi1. CMCF-ID Health
Stirling, Alexander J.; Gilbert, Stephanie E.; Conner, Megan; Mallette, Evan; Kimber, Matthew S. et al. (2020). A Key Glycine in Bacterial Steroid-Degrading Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenases Allows Flavin-Ring Repositioning and Modulates Substrate Side Chain Specificity. Biochemistry 59(42) , 4081-4092. 10.1021/acs.biochem.0c00568. [PDB: 6wy8, 6wy9] CMCF-ID Health
Shah, M.; Moraes, T.F.; Maxwell, K.L. (2020). Structure of a phage-encoded quorum sensing anti-activator, Aqs1. Protein Data Bank: 6v7u. CMCF-ID Health
Shah, M.; Moraes, T.F.; Maxwell, K.L. (2020). Structure of a phage-encoded quorum sensing anti-activator, Aqs1. Protein Data Bank: 6v7v. CMCF-ID Health
Scott, W.; Lowrance, B.; Anderson, A.C.; Weadge, J.T. (2020). Crystal structure of the Clostridial cellulose synthase subunit Z (CcsZ) from Clostridioides difficile. Protein Data Bank: 6uje. CMCF-ID Health
Scott, W.; Lowrance, B.; Anderson, A.C.; Weadge, J.T. (2020). Crystal structure of the Clostridial cellulose synthase subunit Z (CcsZ) from Clostridioides difficile. Protein Data Bank: 6ujf. CMCF-ID Health
Scott, William; Lowrance, Brian; Anderson, Alexander C.; Weadge, Joel T. (2020). Identification of the Clostridial cellulose synthase and characterization of the cognate glycosyl hydrolase, CcsZ. PLoS ONE 15(12) , e0242686. 10.1371/journal.pone.0242686. [PDB: 6uje, 6ujf] CMCF-ID Health
Sachar, K.; Ahmad, S.; Whitney, J.C.; Prehna, G. (2020). Structure of SciW bound to the Rhs1 Transmembrane Domain from Salmonella typhimurium. Protein Data Bank: 6xrr. CMCF-ID Health
Noach, Ilit; Boraston, Alisdair B (2020). Structural evidence for a proline-specific glycopeptide recognition domain in an O-glycopeptidase. Glycobiology 31(4) . 10.1093/glycob/cwaa095. [PDB: 7jtv] CMCF-ID Health
Noach, I.; Boraston, A.B. (2020). Structure of IMPa from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in complex with an O-glycopeptide. Protein Data Bank: 7jtv. CMCF-ID Health
Lu, Xiaocen; Wen, Yurong; Zhang, Shuce; Zhang, Wei; Chen, Yilun et al. (2020). Improved Photocleavable Proteins with Faster and More Efficient Dissociation. Journal of Nanoparticle Research . 10.1101/2020.12.10.419556. [PDB: 7dmx, 7dna, 7dnb] CMCF-ID Health
Klein, D.J.; Liu, J. (2020). Structure of Human HDAC2 in complex with a 2-substituted benzamide inhibitor (compound 20). Protein Data Bank: 7kbg. CMCF-ID Health
Ceccarelli, D.F.; Beenstock, J.; Wan, L.C.K.; Sicheri, F. (2020). Cgi121-tRNA complex. Protein Data Bank: 7kju. CMCF-ID Health
Beenstock, Jonah; Ona, Samara Mishelle; Porat, Jennifer; Orlicky, Stephen; Wan, Leo C. K. et al. (2020). A substrate binding model for the KEOPS tRNA modifying complex. Nature Communications 11(1) . 10.1038/s41467-020-19990-5. [PDB: 7kju] CMCF-ID Health