Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Canning, Chloe M.; Laroque, Colin P.; Muir, David (2023). Critical Analysis of the Past, Present, and Future of Dendrochemistry: A Systematic Literature Review. Forests 14(10) , 1997. 10.3390/f14101997. IDEAS Environment
Cavallin, Hannah E.; Banerjee, Neil R.; Van Loon, Lisa L (2019). Application of Synchrotron Spectroscopy to Understanding Gold Mineralization at the Monument Bay Project, Stull Lake Greenstone Belt, Manitoba, Canada. Microscopy and Microanalysis 25(S2) , 802-803. 10.1017/s1431927619004744. IDEAS Environment
Leite, Aline do Amaral; Melo, LeƓnidas Carrijo Azevedo; Hurtarte, Luis Carlos Colocho; Zuin, Lucia; Piccolla, Cristiano Dela et al. (2023). Magnesium-enriched poultry manure enhances phosphorus bioavailability in biochars. Chemosphere 331, 138759. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138759. IDEAS, VLS-PGM Environment
Stromberg, Jessica M.; Barr, Erik; Van Loon, Lisa L.; Gordon, Robert A.; Banerjee, Neil R. et al. (2019). Fingerprinting multiple gold mineralization events at the Dome mine in Timmins, Ontario, Canada: Trace element and gold content of pyrite. Ore Geology Reviews 104, 603-619. 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.11.020. CLS-APS, IDEAS, VESPERS Environment
Stromberg, Jessica M.; Van Loon, Lisa L.; Gordon, Robert; Woll, Arthur; Feng, Renfei et al. (2019). Applications of synchrotron X-ray techniques to orogenic gold studies; examples from the Timmins gold camp. Ore Geology Reviews 104, 589-602. 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.11.015. CLS-APS, IDEAS, VESPERS Environment
Van Loon, Lisa L.; McIntyre, N. Stewart; Bauer, Michael; Sherry, Nathaniel S.A.; Banerjee, Neil R. et al. (2019). Peakaboo: Advanced software for the interpretation of X-ray fluorescence spectra from synchrotrons and other intense X-ray sources. Software Impacts 2, 100010. 10.1016/j.simpa.2019.100010. CLS-APS, IDEAS Environment
Van Ryswyk, Keith; Kulka, Ryan; Jeong, Cheol-Heon; Anastasopolos, Angelos T.; Shin, Tim et al. (2024). Sources of subway PM2.5: Investigation of a system with limited mechanical ventilation. Transportation Research. Part D: Transport and Environment 133, 104164. 10.1016/j.trd.2024.104164. EIML, IDEAS Environment