Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Shen, Jian; Huang, Gordon; An, Chunjiang; Xin, Xiaying; Huang, Charley et al. (2018). Removal of Tetrabromobisphenol A by adsorption on pinecone-derived activated charcoals: Synchrotron FTIR, kinetics and surface functionality analyses. Bioresource Technology 247, 812-820. 10.1016/j.biortech.2017.09.177. MID-IR Environment
Shen, Jian; Huang, Gordon; An, Chunjiang; Zhao, Shan; Rosendahl, Scott et al. (2017). Immobilization of tetrabromobisphenol A by pinecone-derived biochars at solid-liquid interface: Synchrotron-assisted analysis and role of inorganic fertilizer ions. Chemical Engineering Journal 321, 346-357. 10.1016/j.cej.2017.03.138. MID-IR Environment
Wang, Wenxia; Huang, Guohe; An, Chunjiang; Xin, Xiaying; Zhang, Yan et al. (2017). Transport behaviors of anionic azo dyes at interface between surfactant-modified flax shives and aqueous solution: Synchrotron infrared and adsorption studies. Applied Surface Science 405, 119-128. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.01.311. MID-IR Environment
Wang, Wenxia; Huang, Guohe; An, Chunjiang; Zhao, Shan; Chen, Xiujuan et al. (2018). Adsorption of anionic azo dyes from aqueous solution on cationic gemini surfactant-modified flax shives: Synchrotron infrared, optimization and modeling studies. Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 1986-1997. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.11.227. MID-IR Environment
Xin, Xiaying; Huang, Gordon; An, Chunjiang; Raina-Fulton, Renata; Weger, Harold et al. (2019). Insights into Long-Term Toxicity of Triclosan to Freshwater Green Algae in Lake Erie. Environmental Science & Technology 53(4) , 2189-2198. 10.1021/acs.est.9b00259. MID-IR Environment
Xin, Xiaying; Huang, Guohe; An, Chunjiang; Huang, Charley; Weger, Harold et al. (2018). Insights into the Toxicity of Triclosan to Green Microalga Chlorococcum sp. Using Synchrotron-Based Fourier Transform Infrared Spectromicroscopy: Biophysiological Analyses and Roles of Environmental Factors. Environmental Science & Technology 52(4) , 2295-2306. 10.1021/acs.est.7b05533. MID-IR Environment
Xin, Xiaying; Huang, Guohe; Liu, Xia; An, Chunjiang; Yao, Yao et al. (2017). Molecular toxicity of triclosan and carbamazepine to green algae Chlorococcum sp.: A single cell view using synchrotron-based Fourier transform infrared spectromicroscopy. Environmental Pollution 226, 12-20. 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.04.007. MID-IR Environment
Zhang, Yan; Huang, Guohe; An, Chunjiang; Xin, Xiaying; Liu, Xia et al. (2017). Transport of anionic azo dyes from aqueous solution to gemini surfactant-modified wheat bran: Synchrotron infrared, molecular interaction and adsorption studies. Science of the Total Environment 595, 723-732. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.04.031. MID-IR Environment
Petrash, Daniel A. (2016). The trace metal content of modern and ancient peritidal and shallow subtidal dolomites: significance and systematics. Supervisor: Konhauser, Kurt. AB CA: University of Alberta. CLS-APS, MID-IR Environment