Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Bartokova, Bibiana; Marangoni, Alejandro G.; Laredo, Thamara; Pensini, Erica (2023). Effect of sorbitan ester structure on the separation between tetrahydrofuran and water. Frontiers in Soft Matter 3. 10.3389/frsfm.2023.1329058. BXDS-WLE, MID-IR Environment
Cai, Mengfan; Qi, Zhiming; Guy, Christophe; An, Chunjiang; Chen, Xiujuan et al. (2023). Insights into the abiotic fragmentation of biodegradable mulches under accelerated weathering conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 454, 131477. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131477. MID-IR, VESPERS Environment
Chen, Xiujuan; Huang, Gordon; Li, Yongping; An, Chunjiang; Feng, Renfei et al. (2020). Functional PVDF ultrafiltration membrane for Tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA) removal with high water recovery. Water Research 181, 115952. 10.1016/j.watres.2020.115952. MID-IR, VESPERS Environment
Chen, Xiujuan; Liu, Yunqiu; Huang, Gordon; An, Chunjiang; Feng, Renfei et al. (2022). Functional flax fiber with UV-induced switchable wettability for multipurpose oil-water separation. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering 16(12) . 10.1007/s11783-022-1588-6. MID-IR, VESPERS Environment
Feng, Qi; An, Chunjiang; Chen, Zhi; Yin, Jianan; Zhang, Baiyu et al. (2022). Investigation into the impact of aged microplastics on oil behavior in shoreline environments. Journal of Hazardous Materials 421, 126711. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126711. MID-IR, VESPERS Environment
Gao, Sichen; Huang, Gordon; Zhang, Peng; Xin, Xiaying; Yin, Jianan et al. (2023). Toxicity and mechanism of nanoplastics to phytoplankton in high-latitude aquatic ecosystems of Canadian prairie: Effects of multiple environmental factors. Science of the Total Environment 893, 164676. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164676. MID-IR Environment
Gao, Sichen; Huang, Gordon; Zhang, Peng; Xin, Xiaying; Yin, Jianan et al. (2023). Rethinking the effects of micro/nanoplastics from the global environmental change and systematic perspective: An aquatic environmental system-based comprehensive assessment approach of micro/nanoplastic impacts. Journal of Hazardous Materials 457, 131695. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131695. MID-IR Environment
G. Michael Bancroft (2020). The Canadian Light Source: A Story of Scientific Collaboration. In G. Michael Bancroft; Dennis Johnson(Ed.), The Canadian Light Source: A Story of Scientific Collaboration. University of Toronto Press. 9781487537487. FAR-IR, HXMA, MID-IR, REIXS, SGM, SM, VLS-PGM Environment
Liu, Yunqiu; Huang, Gordon; An, Chunjiang; Chen, Xiujuan; Zhang, Peng et al. (2020). Use of Nano-TiO2 self-assembled flax fiber as a new initiative for immiscible oil/water separation. Journal of Cleaner Production 249, 119352. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119352. MID-IR, VESPERS Environment
Lyu, Linxiang; Wang, Zheng; Bagchi, Monisha; Ye, Zhibin; Soliman, Ahmed et al. (2023). An investigation into the aging of disposable face masks in landfill leachate. Journal of Hazardous Materials 446, 130671. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.130671. MID-IR Environment
Peng Zhang (2021). Development of Multi-Layer Soil Systems for Wastewater Treatment in Rural Areas. Supervisor: Huang, G.H.. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Regina. MID-IR, VESPERS Environment
Petrash, Daniel A. (2016). The trace metal content of modern and ancient peritidal and shallow subtidal dolomites: significance and systematics. Supervisor: Konhauser, Kurt. AB CA: University of Alberta. CLS-APS, MID-IR Environment
Shabtai, Itamar A.; Wilhelm, Roland C.; Schweizer, Steffen A.; Höschen, Carmen; Buckley, Daniel H. et al. (2023). Calcium promotes persistent soil organic matter by altering microbial transformation of plant litter. Nature Communications 14(1) . 10.1038/s41467-023-42291-6. MID-IR, SGM Environment
Shen, Jian; Huang, Gordon; An, Chunjiang; Xin, Xiaying; Huang, Charley et al. (2018). Removal of Tetrabromobisphenol A by adsorption on pinecone-derived activated charcoals: Synchrotron FTIR, kinetics and surface functionality analyses. Bioresource Technology 247, 812-820. 10.1016/j.biortech.2017.09.177. MID-IR Environment
Shen, Jian; Huang, Gordon; An, Chunjiang; Yao, Yao; Xin, Xiaying et al. (2020). Immobilization of TBBPA on pyrogenic carbon subjected to natural organic matter under freeze–thawing conditions: insights into surface functionalization, coverage processes and binding affinity. Environmental Science: Nano 7(2) , 472-485. 10.1039/c9en00819e. MID-IR Environment