Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Soo In Yang (2013). Biotransformation and Interactions of Selenium with Mixed and Pure Culture Biofilms. Supervisor: Ingrid J. Pickering. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. SM Health
Alwani, Saniya; Hua, QingYun; Iftikhar, Safa; Appathurai, Narayan P.; Michel, Deborah et al. (2019). Lysine functionalized nanodiamonds as gene carriers - Investigation of internalization pathways and intracellular trafficking. Diamond and Related Materials 98, 107477. 10.1016/j.diamond.2019.107477. SM Health
Hitchcock, Adam P.; Wang, Xiaoyue; Grandfield, Kathryn; Everett, James; Collingwood, Joanna F. et al. (2019). Correlative Spectromicroscopy and Tomography for Biomedical Applications Involving Electron, Ion, and Soft X-ray Microscopies. Microscopy Today 27(2) , 12-19. 10.1017/s1551929518001256. SM Health
Khondker, Adree; Alsop, Richard J.; Himbert, Sebastian; Tang, Jennifer; Shi, An-Chang et al. (2018). Membrane-Modulating Drugs can Affect the Size of Amyloid-β25–35 Aggregates in Anionic Membranes. Scientific Reports 8(1) , 12367:1-16. 10.1038/s41598-018-30431-8. SM Health
Badea, Ildiko; Alwani, Saniya; Kaur, Randeep; Michel, Deborah; Chitanda, Jackson M et al. (2016). Lysine-functionalized nanodiamonds as gene carriers: development of stable colloidal dispersion for in vitro cellular uptake studies and siRNA delivery application. International Journal of Nanomedicine , 687-702. 10.2147/ijn.s92218. SM Health