Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Chadirji-Martinez, K.; Hudon, G.; Chernikov, R.; Heredia, E.; Feng, R. et al. (2024). Thorium speciation in titania slag: Implications for environmental remediation and valorisation. Mineralogical Magazine , 1-35. 10.1180/mgm.2024.69. VESPERS Environment
Feng, Yuzhou; Chen, Huayong; Pan, Yuanming; Deevsalar, Reza; Cheung, Leo Ka Long et al. (2024). Binding mechanisms of Y and HREE sorption on birnessite: New insights into the formation and sustainable development of regolith-hosted REE deposits. American Mineralogist . 10.2138/am-2024-9451. HXMA, VESPERS Environment
Wu, Yuwei; Huang, Guohe; Zhang, Peng; Yao, Yao; Zhao, Kai et al. (2024). Synchrotron-aided exploration of REE recovery from coal fly ashes within a Canadian context. Chemosphere 367, 143562. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.143562. HXMA, VESPERS Environment