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Xiong, Wenhui; Peng, Jian (2008). Development and characterization of ferrihydrite-modified diatomite as a phosphorus adsorbent. Water Research 42(19) , 4869-4877. 10.1016/j.watres.2008.09.030. VLS-PGM Materials
Weigel, C; Calas, G; Cormier, L; Galoisy, L; Henderson, G S et al. (2008). High-resolution Al L2,3-edge x-ray absorption near edge structure spectra of Al-containing crystals and glasses: coordination number and bonding information from edge components. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 20(13) , 135219. 10.1088/0953-8984/20/13/135219. VLS-PGM Materials
Greiner, Mark T.; Festin, Miguel; Kruse, Peter (2008). Investigation of Corrosion-Inhibiting Aniline Oligomer Thin Films on Iron Using Photoelectron Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112(48) , 18991-19004. 10.1021/jp805533v. SM, VLS-PGM Materials
Grosvenor, Andrew P.; Ramezanipour, Farshid; Derakhshan, Shahab; Maunders, Christian; Botton, Gianluigi A. et al. (2009). Effects of bond character on the electronic structure of brownmillerite-phase oxides, Ca2B′xFe2−xO5 (B′ = Al, Ga): an X-ray absorption and electron energy loss spectroscopic study. Journal of Materials Chemistry 19(48) , 9213. 10.1039/b914983j. SGM, VLS-PGM Materials
Sigurdson, S.; Sundaramurthy, V.; Dalai, A.K.; Adjaye, J. (2008). Phosphorus promoted trimetallic NiMoW/γ-Al2O3 sulfide catalysts in gas oil hydrotreating. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A Chemical 291(1-2) , 30-37. 10.1016/j.molcata.2008.05.011. VLS-PGM Materials
Zhou, J. G.; Fang, H. T.; Maley, J. M.; Murphy, M. W.; Peter Ko, J. Y. et al. (2009). Electronic structure of TiO2 nanotube arrays from X-ray absorption near edge structure studies. Journal of Materials Chemistry 19(37) , 6804. 10.1039/b909225k. SGM, VLS-PGM Materials