Vyavhare, Kimaya; Bagi, Sujay; Patel, Mihir; Aswath, Pranesh B. (2019). Impact of Diesel Engine Oil Additives–Soot Interactions on Physiochemical, Oxidation, and Wear Characteristics of Soot. Energy & Fuels 33(5) , 4515-4530. 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.8b03841. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
Environment |
Marhaba, Iman; Ferry, Daniel; Laffon, Carine; Regier, Thomas Z.; Ouf, François-Xavier et al. (2019). Aircraft and MiniCAST soot at the nanoscale. Combustion and Flame 204, 278-289. 10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.03.018. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
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Izawa, Matthew R. M.; Dynes, James J.; Banerjee, Neil R.; Flemming, Roberta L.; MacLean, Lachlan C. W. et al. (2019). Organic Matter Preservation and Incipient Mineralization of Microtubules in 120 Ma Basaltic Glass. Frontiers in Earth Science 7. 10.3389/feart.2019.00149. |
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Peer-Reviewed Article |
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Skierszkan, Elliott K.; Robertson, Jared M.; Lindsay, Matthew B. J.; Stockwell, Justin S.; Dockrey, John W. et al. (2019). Tracing Molybdenum Attenuation in Mining Environments Using Molybdenum Stable Isotopes. Environmental Science & Technology 53(10) , 5678-5686. 10.1021/acs.est.9b00766. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
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Xin, Xiaying; Huang, Gordon; An, Chunjiang; Weger, Harold; Cheng, Guanhui et al. (2019). Analyzing the Biochemical Alteration of Green Algae During Chronic Exposure to Triclosan Based on Synchrotron-Based Fourier Transform Infrared Spectromicroscopy. Analytical Chemistry 91(12) . 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b01417. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
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Lutfalla, Suzanne; Barré, Pierre; Bernard, Sylvain; Le Guillou, Corentin; Alléon, Julien et al. (2019). Multidecadal persistence of organic matter in soils: multiscale investigations down to the submicron scale. Biogeosciences 16(7) , 1401-1410. 10.5194/bg-16-1401-2019. |
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Santos, Antonio C. F.; Vasconcelos, Debora N.; MacDonald, Michael A.; Sant’Anna, Marcelo M.; Tenório, Bruno N. C. et al. (2019). Experimental and theoretical results of resonant and normal Auger decay in dichloromethane. European Physical Journal D 73(4) . 10.1140/epjd/e2019-90625-y. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
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Glæsner, Nadia; Hansen, Hans Christian Bruun; Hu, Yongfeng; Bekiaris, Georgios; Bruun, Sander et al. (2019). Low crystalline apatite in bone char produced at low temperature ameliorates phosphorus-deficient soils. Chemosphere 223, 723-730. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.02.048. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
Environment |
Liu, Peng; Ptacek, Carol J.; Blowes, David W.; Finfrock, Y. Zou (2019). Mercury distribution and speciation in biochar particles reacted with contaminated sediment up to 1030 days: A synchrotron-based study. Science of the Total Environment 662, 915-922. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.148. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
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Rouven Metz (2019). Spatial redox heterogeneities in redox-active environmental biofilms: From macro to (sub-) micro-scale. Supervisor: Obst, Martin. Germany: University of Bayreuth. . |
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Masters Thesis |
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Md. Noabur Rahman (2019). THE NATURE OF COPPER, ZINC AND BORON IN PRAIRIE SOILS AND CROP RESPONSES TO FERTILIZATION. Supervisor: Jeff Schoenau. SK, Canada: Department of Soil Science University of Saskatchewan. https://harvest.usask.ca/server/api/core/bitstreams/eb8500f8-6de6-4f8a-a45d-bf48f616af9e/content. |
Doctoral Thesis |
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Nehzati, Susan (2019). Molecular Studies in Mercury Toxicity Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and High Energy Resolution Fluorescence Detection X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Supervisor: George, Graham; Pickering, Ingrid. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. https://harvest.usask.ca/bitstream/handle/10388/12054/NEHZATI-DISSERTATION-2019.pdf?sequence=1. |
Doctoral Thesis |
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Li; Zhejun (2019). Materials Design and Mechanistic Investigation of High-Energy-Density Sulfur-Based Batteries. Supervisor: Lu, Yi-Chun. Hong Kong,China: The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong). https://search.proquest.com/openview/c275721ae6bac815633a934deb8716ed/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y. |
Doctoral Thesis |
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Sowers; Tyler Dale (2019). Organo-Mineral Associations and Sequestration Mechanisms Impacting Carbon Cycling in Diverse Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems. Supervisor: Sparks, Donald L.. DE, USA: University of Delaware. http://cyber.usask.ca/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/2299502936?accountid=14739. |
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Doctoral Thesis |
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