Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Cheng, Jingxiang; Udayakantha, Malsha; Perez-Beltran, Saul; Carrillo, Luis; Zaheer, Wasif et al. (2024). Synthesis, chloride-ion diffusion mechanisms, and anisotropic sintering of 2D layered erbium oxychloride nanoplatelets. CrystEngComm . 10.1039/d4ce00585f. VLS-PGM Materials
Mikhchian, Mehrnaz; Grosvenor, Andrew P. (2024). An investigation of the long-term aqueous corrosion behaviour of glass-zirconolite composite materials (Fe-Al-BG-CaZrTi2O7) as a potential nuclear wasteform. Corrosion Science 228, 111831. 10.1016/j.corsci.2024.111831. CLS-APS, VLS-PGM Materials
Ren, Liping; Zheng, Ming; Kong, Fanpeng; Yu, Zhenjiang; Sun, Nan et al. (2024). Light Enables the Cathodic Interface Reaction Reversibility in Solid‐State Lithium‐Oxygen Batteries. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 63(17) . 10.1002/anie.202319529. SM Materials
Zhao, Feipeng; Zhang, Shumin; Wang, Shuo; Andrei, Carmen M.; Yuan, Hui et al. (2024). Revealing unprecedented cathode interface behavior in all-solid-state batteries with oxychloride solid electrolytes. Energy and Environmental Science . 10.1039/d4ee00750f. SM Materials
Zhang, Weiran; Koverga, Volodymyr; Liu, Sufu; Zhou, Jigang; Wang, Jian et al. (2024). Single-phase local-high-concentration solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-metal batteries. Nature Energy . 10.1038/s41560-023-01443-0. SM Materials
Zhu, Qingjun; Sun, Gang; Wang, Panpan; Sui, Xulei; Liu, Chang et al. (2024). Imaging the space-resolved chemical heterogeneity of degraded graphite anode through scanning transmission X-ray microscope. Journal of Power Sources 591, 233882. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.233882. SGM, SM Materials
Pensini, Erica; Marangoni, Alejandro G.; Bartokova, Bibiana; Fameau, Anne Laure; Corradini, Maria G. et al. (2024). Sulfolane clustering in aqueous saline solutions. Physics of Fluids 36(3) . 10.1063/5.0196389. BXDS-WLE, SGM Environment
Zhu, Qingjun; Sun, Gang; Wang, Panpan; Sui, Xulei; Liu, Chang et al. (2024). Imaging the space-resolved chemical heterogeneity of degraded graphite anode through scanning transmission X-ray microscope. Journal of Power Sources 591, 233882. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.233882. SGM, SM Materials
Ufondu, Peter; Boyko, Teak D.; Pointner, Monika M.; Eisenburger, Lucien; Schnick, Wolfgang et al. (2024). Investigating the electronic properties of novel titanium oxonitridophosphate, Ti5P12N24O2, through structural distortions at the titanium sites. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 12(12) , 4392-4398. 10.1039/d4tc00248b. REIXS Materials
Parzyck, C. T.; Gupta, N. K.; Wu, Y.; Anil, V.; Bhatt, L. et al. (2024). Absence of 3a0 charge density wave order in the infinite-layer nickelate NdNiO2. Nature Materials . 10.1038/s41563-024-01797-0. REIXS Materials
Shen, Jian; Huang, Guohe; Yao, Yao; Zhang, Peng; Rosendahl, Scott et al. (2024). Surface Alteration on Biochar in Long-Term Application: Insights into Pyrolysis, Freeze-Thaw Aging, and Dissipation. Surfaces and Interfaces , 104118. 10.1016/j.surfin.2024.104118. MID-IR Environment
Wang, Lei; Yao, Xue; Jana, Subhajit; Zhou, Yongzan; Qin, Chunlan et al. (2024). Interface Engineering and Oxygen Vacancy Derived from Plasma-treated Cu2O Synergistically Enhancing Electrocatalytic CO2-to-C2+ Conversion. Journal of Materials Chemistry A . 10.1039/d4ta03492a. HXMA Materials
Deng, Zhiping; Mostaghimi, Amir Hassan Bagherzadeh; Gong, Mingxing; Chen, Ning; Siahrostami, Samira et al. (2024). Pd 4d Orbital Overlapping Modulation on Au@Pd Nanowires for Efficient H2O2 Production. Journal of the American Chemical Society . 10.1021/jacs.3c13259. HXMA Agriculture
Yu, Changxun; Turner, Stephanie; Huotari, Simo; Chen, Ning; Shchukarev, Andrey et al. (2024). Manganese cycling and transport in boreal estuaries impacted by acidic Mn-rich drainage. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 365, 136-157. 10.1016/j.gca.2023.12.004. HXMA Environment
Zhao, Jianbao; Billinghurst, Brant E.; Raston, Paul L. (2024). Synchrotron-based pure rotational spectroscopy of H13COOH. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 312, 108819. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2023.108819. FAR-IR Environment