Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Lamontagne, Halynne R.; Comeau, Zachary J.; Cranston, Rosemary R.; Boileau, Nicholas T.; Harris, Cory S. et al. (2022). Chloro aluminum phthalocyanine-based organic thin-film transistors as cannabinoid sensors: engineering the thin film response. Sensors and Diagnostics 1(6) , 1165-1175. 10.1039/d2sd00071g. BXDS-WLE Agriculture
Zoroufchi Benis, Khaled; Minaei, Shahab; Soltan, Jafar; McPhedran, Kerry N. (2022). Adsorption of lincomycin on microwave activated biochar: Batch and dynamic adsorption. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 187, 140-150. 10.1016/j.cherd.2022.08.058. BXDS-WLE, REIXS Agriculture
Schaller, Jörg; Wu, Bei; Amelung, Wulf; Hu, Zhengyi; Stein, Mathias et al. (2022). Silicon as a potential limiting factor for phosphorus availability in paddy soils. Scientific Reports 12(1) . 10.1038/s41598-022-20805-4. SM Agriculture
Heydari, Mohamad Mehdi; Najib, Tahereh; Meda, Venkatesh (2022). Investigating starch and protein structure alterations of the processed lentil by microwave-assisted infrared thermal treatment and their correlation with the modified properties. Food Chemistry Advances 1, 100091. 10.1016/j.focha.2022.100091. MID-IR Agriculture
Pucetaite, Milda; Hitchcock, Adam; Obst, Martin; Persson, Per; Hammer, Edith C. et al. (2022). Nanoscale chemical mapping of exometabolites at fungal–mineral interfaces. Geobiology 20(5) . 10.1111/gbi.12504. SM Agriculture
Zhou, Dongfang; Barney, Jacob N.; Welbaum, Gregory E. (2022). Production, Composition, and Ecological Function of Sweet-Basil-Seed Mucilage during Hydration. Horticulturae 8(4) , 327. 10.3390/horticulturae8040327. MID-IR Agriculture
Lacroix, E. M.; Masue‐Slowey, Y.; Dlott, G. A.; Keiluweit, M.; Chadwick, O. A. et al. (2022). Mineral Protection and Resource Limitations Combine to Explain Profile‐Scale Soil Carbon Persistence. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 127(4) . 10.1029/2021jg006674. SGM Agriculture
Shabtai, Itamar A.; Das, Srabani; Inagaki, Thiago M.; Azimzadeh, Behrooz; Richards, Brian et al. (2022). Soil organic carbon accrual due to more efficient microbial utilization of plant inputs at greater long-term soil moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 327, 170-185. 10.1016/j.gca.2022.04.028. SGM Agriculture
Forand, Ariana D.; Finfrock, Y. Zou; Lavier, Miranda; Stobbs, Jarvis; Qin, Li et al. (2022). With a Little Help from My Cell Wall: Structural Modifications in Pectin May Play a Role to Overcome Both Dehydration Stress and Fungal Pathogens. Plants 11(3) , 385. 10.3390/plants11030385. CLS-APS Agriculture
Deng, Ganqi; Nagy, Carlene; Yu, Peiqiang (2022). Combined molecular spectroscopic techniques (SR-FTIR, XRF, ATR-FTIR) to study physiochemical and nutrient profiles of Avena sativa grain and nutrition and structure interactive association properties. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , 1-13. 10.1080/10408398.2022.2045470. MID-IR Agriculture
Vergunst, Kathleen L.; Langelaan, David N. (2022). The N-terminal tail of the hydrophobin SC16 is not required for rodlet formation. Scientific Reports 12(1) . 10.1038/s41598-021-04223-6. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Sarker, Tumpa R.; Nanda, Sonil; Meda, Venkatesh; Dalai, Ajay K. (2022). Pelletization of torrefied canola residue: Effects of microwave power, residence time and bio-additives on fuel pellet quality. Fuel 312, 122728. 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.122728. BMIT-ID Agriculture
Boddington, Kelly F.; Soubeyrand, Eric; Van Gelder, Kristen; Casaretto, José A.; Perrin, Colby et al. (2021). Bibenzyl synthesis in Cannabis sativa L.. Plant Journal 109(3) . 10.1111/tpj.15588. [PDB: 7sgy] CMCF-ID Agriculture
Haja, Dominik K.; Wu, Chang-Hao; Ponomarenko, Olena; Poole, Farris L.; George, Graham N. et al. (2020). Improving Arsenic Tolerance of Pyrococcus furiosus by Heterologous Expression of a Respiratory Arsenate Reductase. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 86(21) . 10.1128/aem.01728-20. BIOXAS, BIOXAS-MAIN, BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY Agriculture
Huang, Jing; Huang, Gordon; Xin, Xiaying; Halstead, David; Gaetz, Katelyn et al. (2021). Characterization of canola growth and in-vivo element fate in Canadian prairie under the interferences of tillage and residue treatment. Journal of Cleaner Production 320, 128707. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128707. MID-IR, VESPERS Agriculture