Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Yao, Koffi Pierre (2016). Enhancing the oxidation of Li?O? in Li-O? batteries : mechanistic and chemical efficacy probing. Supervisor: Shao-Horn, Yang. Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. SGM, SXRMB Materials
Nahshon Bawolin (2016). MODELLING AND IN VIVO MONITORING OF THE TIME DEPENDENT MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TISSUE ENGINEERING SCAFFOLDS. Supervisor: Chen, Daniel; Zhang, Chris. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Materials
Boxill; Lois Esther (2016). The impact of fabric and surface characteristics on the engineering behavior of polymer-amended mature fine tailings. Supervisor: van Zyl, Dirk; Lavkulich, les. BC, Canada: University of British Columbia. BMIT-BM Materials