Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Al Fattah, Md Fahim; Amin, Muhammad Ruhul; Mallmann, Mathias; Kasap, Safa; Schnick, Wolfgang et al. (2020). Electronic structure investigation of wide band gap semiconductors—Mg2PN3 and Zn2PN3: experiment and theory. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 32(40) , 405504. 10.1088/1361-648x/ab8f8a. REIXS Materials
Aligodarz, Mohammadreza Tayfeh; Klymyshyn, David; Rashidian, Atabak; Liu, Xun (2020). Dielectric resonator antenna arrays. Patent Number: US20160322708A1. SYLMAND Materials
Aligodarz, Mohammadreza Tayfeh; Klymyshyn, David; Rashidian, Atabak; Liu, Xun (2020). Dielectric resonator antenna arrays. . US10784583B2. SYLMAND Materials
Berkenbrock, Jose-Alvim; Achenbach, Sven; Wells, Garth; Mail, Matthias; Scherer, Torsten et al. (2020). A polymer-based nano-resistive pulse sensor for detection of biomolecules: fabrication and simulation. . 10.1109/nano47656.2020.9183598. SYLMAND Materials
Berkenbrock, Jose-Alvim; Scherer, Torsten; Mail, Matthias; Achenbach, Sven (2020). Numerical Modelling of a Nanopore-based Resistive-Pulse Sensor for Detection of Biomolecules*. . 10.1109/embc44109.2020.9176090. SYLMAND Materials
Cabral, Cyril; Lavoie, Christian; Murray, Conal; Pyzyna, Adam; Rodbell, Ken et al. (2020). Thin film deposition research and its impact on microelectronics scaling. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum. Surfaces and Films 38(4) , 040803. 10.1116/6.0000230. IDEAS Materials
Canè, Elisabetta; Lonardo, Gianfranco Di; Fusina, Luciano; Tamassia, Filippo; Predoi-Cross, Adriana et al. (2020). Spectroscopic characterization of the v2 = 3 and v2 = v4 = 1 states for 15NH3 from high resolution infrared spectra. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 250, 106987. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.106987. FAR-IR Materials
Chen, Ziyi (2020). X-ray Spectroscopy Studies of Ligand-protected and Zeolite-confined Silver Nanoclusters. Dalhousie University. CLS-APS Materials
Dan Luo (2020). Rational Structure Design of Transition Metal Chalcogenide Multifunctional Sulfur Immobilizer for Fast and Durable Li-S Performance. Supervisor: Zhongwei Chen. Ontario: University of waterloo. BIOXAS-SIDE, BXDS-WLE, SM, SXRMB, VESPERS Materials
Dawkins, Jeremy I. G.; Ghavidel, Mohammadreza Z.; Chhin, Danny; Beaulieu, Isabelle; Hossain, Md Sazzad et al. (2020). Operando Tracking of Solution-Phase Concentration Profiles in Li-Ion Battery Positive Electrodes Using X-ray Fluorescence. Analytical Chemistry 92(16) . 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c02086. VESPERS Materials
Fattah, Md Fahim Al (2020). SOFT X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY STUDY of WIDE BAND GAP SEMICONDUCTORS-M2PN3 (M=Mg, Zn) and BP3N6. Supervisor: Moewes, Dr. Alexander; Kasap, Dr. Safa. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. REIXS Materials
Gao, Jinglin (2020). A Study of Carbon Dioxide Catalytic Activation for its Conversion to Value-added Products. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. . SXRMB Materials
Ghoussoub, Mireille; Duchesne, Paul N.; Xia, Meikun; Ali, Feysal M.; He, Shoushou et al. (2020). Kinetics and Mechanism of Turanite Reduction by Hydrogen. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124(33) , 18356-18365. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c05428. CLS-APS Materials
Guobin Wen (2020). Nanostructured Materials and Electrodes Engineering for Efficient CO2 Conversion. Supervisor: Chen Zhongwei; Gostick Jeff.. ON, Canada: University of Waterloo. SXRMB Materials
Han, Mei; Wang, Ning; Zhang, Biao; Xia, Yujian; Li, Jun et al. (2020). High-Valent Nickel Promoted by Atomically Embedded Copper for Efficient Water Oxidation. ACS Catalysis 10(17) , 9725-9734. 10.1021/acscatal.0c01733. SXRMB Materials