Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Ian R. Willick; Jarvis Stobbs; Chithra Karunakaran; Karen K. Tanino (2020). Phenotyping Plant Cellular and Tissue Level Responses to Cold with Synchrotron-Based Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and X-Ray Computed Tomography. In Dirk K. Hincha; Ellen Zuther(Ed.), Plant Cold Acclimation: Methods and Protocols. Humana. , 141-159 9781071606599. BMIT-BM Agriculture
Choi, Jang Hyun; Hong, Jung-A; Son, Ye Rim; Wang, Jian; Kim, Hyun Sung et al. (2020). Comparison of Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation Efficiency and Toxicity Evaluations of CeO2 Nanoparticles Synthesized Through Double-Modulation. Nanomaterials 10(8) , 1543. 10.3390/nano10081543. SM Agriculture
Gossen, Bruce D.; Wang, Dongniu; McLean, Andrew; Tu, Jiangying; Lahlali, Rachid et al. (2020). Boron Sensitivity and Storage in Brassica Napus and Its Potential for Clubroot Management. Research Square . VLS-PGM Agriculture
Dodangodage, Randika; Bernath, Peter F.; Zhao, Jianbao; Billinghurst, Brant (2020). Absorption cross sections for ethane broadened by hydrogen and helium in the 3.3 micron region. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 253, 107131. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.107131. FAR-IR Environment
Bernath, Peter; Dodangodage, Randika; Dulick, Michael; Zhao, Jianbao; Billinghurst, Brant et al. (2020). Absorption cross sections for neopentane broadened by nitrogen in the 3.3 µm region. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 251, 107034. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.107034. FAR-IR Environment
Hewett, Dan; Bernath, Peter F.; Wong, Andy; Billinghurst, Brant E.; Zhao, Jianbao et al. (2020). N2 and H2 broadened isobutane infrared absorption cross sections and butane upper limits on Titan. Icarus 344, 113460. 10.1016/j.icarus.2019.113460. FAR-IR Environment
Zhang, Yunhui; Alessi, Daniel S.; Chen, Ning; Luo, Mina; Hao, Weiduo et al. (2020). Spectroscopic and Modeling Investigation of Sorption of Pb(II) to ZSM-5 Zeolites. ACS ES and T Water 1(1) , 108-116. 10.1021/acsestwater.0c00010. HXMA Environment
Xia, Xing; Yang, Jianjun; Yan, Yubo; Wang, Jian; Hu, Yongfeng et al. (2020). Molecular Sorption Mechanisms of Cr(III) to Organo-Ferrihydrite Coprecipitates Using Synchrotron-Based EXAFS and STXM Techniques. Environmental Science & Technology 54(20) . 10.1021/acs.est.0c02872. SM, SXRMB Environment
Seyfferth, Angelia L.; Bothfeld, Frances; Vargas, Rodrigo; Stuckey, Jason W.; Wang, Jian et al. (2020). Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of geochemical controls on carbon cycling in a tidal salt marsh. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 282. 10.1016/j.gca.2020.05.013. SM Environment
Xia, Xing; Yang, Jianjun; Yan, Yubo; Wang, Jian; Hu, Yongfeng et al. (2020). Molecular Sorption Mechanisms of Cr(III) to Organo-Ferrihydrite Coprecipitates Using Synchrotron-Based EXAFS and STXM Techniques. Environmental Science & Technology 54(20) . 10.1021/acs.est.0c02872. SM, SXRMB Environment
Sellers, Diane G.; Braham, Erick J.; Villarreal, Ruben; Zhang, Baiyu; Parija, Abhishek et al. (2020). Atomic Hourglass and Thermometer Based on Diffusion of a Mobile Dopant in VO2. Journal of the American Chemical Society 142(36) . 10.1021/jacs.0c07152. VLS-PGM Environment
Ning, Liqun; Mehta, Riya; Cao, Cong; Theus, Andrea; Tomov, Martin et al. (2020). Embedded 3D Bioprinting of Gelatin Methacryloyl-Based Constructs with Highly Tunable Structural Fidelity. ACS applied materials & interfaces 12(40) , 44563–44577. 10.1021/acsami.0c15078. BMIT-ID Health
Xu, S.; Grochulski, P.; Tanaka, T. (2020). X-ray crystallographic structure model of Lactococcus lactis prolidase mutant H38S. Protein Data Bank: 6xmr. CMCF-BM Health
Adair, Keegan R.; Banis, Mohammad Norouzi; Zhao, Yang; Bond, Toby; Li, Ruying et al. (2020). Temperature‐Dependent Chemical and Physical Microstructure of Li Metal Anodes Revealed through Synchrotron‐Based Imaging Techniques. Advanced Materials 32(32) , 2002550. 10.1002/adma.202002550. BMIT, SGM Materials
Wilson, Catrina E.; Gibson, Amanda E.; Argo, Joshua J.; Loughney, Patricia A.; Xu, Wenqian et al. (2020). Accelerated microwave-assisted synthesis and in situ X-ray scattering of tungsten-substituted vanadium dioxide (V1−xW x O2). Journal of Materials Research , 1-13. 10.1557/jmr.2020.250. BXDS-WHE Materials