Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Lyle M. Gordon (2015). Buried Organic-Inorganic Interfaces in Biological Minerals. Supervisor: Joester, Derk. Illinois, USA: Northwestern University. SGM Materials
Mike MONCUR (2015). Hydrogeochemical, Mineralogical and Microbial Processes Occurring in Old Sulfide-Rich Tailings. Supervisor: Ptacek, Carol. Ontario, Canada: University of Waterloo. . SXRMB Materials
Schmid, Gregor (2015). Cell-mineral aggregates formed by Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria: their internal structure and capability for nickel immobilization. Supervisor: Obst, Martin. Germany: University of Tuebingen. . SM Materials
Shivhare, Atal (2015). Synthesis and Activation of Gold and Bimetallic Clusters for Catalysis. Supervisor: Scott, Robert, W. J.. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. . HXMA, SXRMB Materials
Viorica F. Bondici (2015). Microbial diversity and biogeochemical processes in the Deilmann tailings management facility, Key Lake, Saskatchewan. . Supervisor: John R. Lawrence/Darren R. Korber. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan. . SM Materials
Xiao, Fengping (2015). High Pressure Studies of Nanostructured TiO2 and Li4Ti5O12 Using Raman Spectroscopy and Synchrotron X-Ray Radiation. Supervisor: Song, Yang. The University of Western Ontario. CLS-APS Materials