Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Wang, Xufeng; Song, Yajie; Jiang, Xin; Liu, Qingsong; Dong, Jidong et al. (2022). Constructing Interfacial Nanolayer Stabilizes 4.3 V High‐Voltage All‐Solid‐State Lithium Batteries with PEO‐Based Solid‐State Electrolyte. Advanced Functional Materials 32(23) , 2113068. 10.1002/adfm.202113068. SM Materials
da Cruz Pinha Barbosa, Victor; Xiong, Jie; Tran, Phuong Minh; McGuire, Michael A.; Yan, Jiaqiang et al. (2022). The Impact of Structural Distortions on the Magnetism of Double Perovskites Containing 5d1 Transition-Metal Ions. Chemistry of Materials 34(3) , 1098-1109. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c03456. BXDS-WLE Materials
Zhang, Zixin; Huang, Guohe; Li, Yongping; Chen, Xiujuan; Yao, Yao et al. (2022). Development of a Heterogeneous Electro-Fenton Ceramic Membrane Coated with Nanocomposite Catalyst for In-Situ Membrane Fouling Control. SSRN Electronic Journal . 10.2139/ssrn.4157491. HXMA Materials
Amin, Muhammad Ruhul; Strobel, Philipp; Schnick, Wolfgang; Schmidt, Peter J.; Moewes, Alexander et al. (2022). Energy levels of Eu2+ states in the next-generation LED-phosphor SrLi2Al2O2N2:Eu2+. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 10(26) , 9740-9747. 10.1039/d2tc01372j. REIXS, VLS-PGM Materials
Elzer, Eugenia; Strobel, Philipp; Weiler, Volker; Amin, Muhammad R.; Schmidt, Peter J. et al. (2022). Inverse‐Tunable Red Luminescence and Electronic Properties of Nitridoberylloaluminates Sr 2− x Ba x [BeAl 3 N 5 ]:Eu 2+ ( x =0–2). Chemistry - A European Journal 28(12) . 10.1002/chem.202104121. REIXS Materials
Yao, Lu; Chen, Jiatang; Wang, Zhiqiang; Sham, Tsun-Kong (2022). TiO2 Nanotubes: Morphology, Size, Crystallinity, and Phase-Dependent Properties from Synchrotron-Spectroscopy Studies. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126(6) , 3265-3275. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c10577. SGM Materials
Thériault, Kim D.; Radford, Chase L.; Nagabhushana, Gowdaianapallya P.; Hogan, David T.; Williams, Vance E. et al. (2022). An unusual self-assembling columnar mesogen prepared by tethering a planar naphthalenediimide acceptor to bent phenothiazine donors. Materials Advances 3(1) , 328-336. 10.1039/d1ma00452b. HXMA Materials
Chen, Kefan; Wang, Xiao-Li; Hu, Wenhui; Kong, Qingquan; Pang, Huan et al. (2022). Modified Metal−Organic Frameworks for Electrochemical Applications. Small Structures 3(5) , 2100200. 10.1002/sstr.202100200. SXRMB Materials
Zhang, Zeshu; Mao, Chengliang; Meira, Débora Motta; Duchesne, Paul N.; Tountas, Athanasios A. et al. (2022). New black indium oxide—tandem photothermal CO2-H2 methanol selective catalyst. Nature Communications 13(1) . 10.1038/s41467-022-29222-7. CLS-APS Materials
de Boer, Tristan; Fattah, Md. Fahim Al; Amin, Muhammad Ruhul; Ambach, Sebastian J.; Vogel, Sebastian et al. (2022). Band gap and electronic structure of defects in the ternary nitride BP3N6: experiment and theory. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 10(16) , 6429-6434. 10.1039/d1tc06009k. VLS-PGM Materials
Urquhart, Stephen G. (2022). X-ray Spectroptychography. ACS Omega 7(14) , 11521-11529. 10.1021/acsomega.2c00228. SM Materials
Joseph D’Amico (2022). Tracking the Effect of Accelerated Aging on Cross-Linked Polyethylene Pipe using Fourier Transform Infrared Microscopy. Supervisor: Dutcher, John. Ontario, Canada: University of Guelph. MID-IR Materials
Freese, Jessica A (2022). Mapping Nanoscale Metal-Insulator Phase Transition in NdNiO3 and Molecular Beam Epitaxy of SmTiO3 Thin Films. Supervisor: Green, Robert. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. REIXS, SM Materials
Hitchcock, Adam P. (2022). 3 Polymer surface characterization by near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. . , 89-124 10.1515/9783110701098-003. SM Materials
Peng, Wenfeng; Deshmukh, Amol; Chen, Ning; Lv, Zhengxing; Zhao, Shijing et al. (2022). Deciphering the Dynamic Structure Evolution of Fe- and Ni-Codoped CoS2 for Enhanced Water Oxidation. ACS Catalysis 12(7) , 3743-3751. 10.1021/acscatal.2c00328. HXMA Materials