Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Gossen, Bruce D.; Wang, Dongniu; McLean, Andrew; Tu, Jiangying; Lahlali, Rachid et al. (2020). Boron Sensitivity and Storage in Brassica Napus and Its Potential for Clubroot Management. Research Square . VLS-PGM Agriculture
Karunakaran, Chithra; Ribeiro, Sandra; Botton, Gianluigi; Nogueira Tolentino, Helio Cesar; Hesterberg, Dean et al. (2021). Pan American Light Sources for Agriculture (PALSA) International Conference: “Seeding” Agriculture Research in Synchrotron Facilities. Synchrotron Radiation News 34(6) , 1-3. 10.1080/08940886.2021.2022404. SM Agriculture
Chen, Jay; Ghazani, Saeed M.; Stobbs, Jarvis A.; Marangoni, Alejandro G. (2021). Tempering of cocoa butter and chocolate using minor lipidic components. Nature Communications 12(1) , 5018. 10.1038/s41467-021-25206-1. BMIT-BM Agriculture
Azargohar, Ramin; Nanda, Sonil; Borugadda, Venu Babu; Cheng, He; Bond, Toby et al. (2021). Steam and supercritical water gasification of densified canola meal fuel pellets. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy . 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.09.134. BMIT-BM Agriculture
Possinger, Angela R.; Zachman, Michael J.; Dynes, James J.; Regier, Tom Z.; Kourkoutis, Lena F. et al. (2021). Co-precipitation induces changes to iron and carbon chemistry and spatial distribution at the nanometer scale. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 314. 10.1016/j.gca.2021.09.003. SGM Agriculture
Altartouri, Bara; Bidhendi, Amir J; Tani, Tomomi; Suzuki, Johnny; Conrad, Christina et al. (2019). Pectin Chemistry and Cellulose Crystallinity Govern Pavement Cell Morphogenesis in a Multi-Step Mechanism. Plant Physiology 181(1) , 127-141. 10.1104/pp.19.00303. MID-IR Agriculture
Pitumpe Arachchige, Pavithra S.; Hettiarachchi, Ganga M.; Rice, Charles W.; Maurmann, Leila; Dynes, James J. et al. (2021). Chemistry and Associations of Carbon in Water-Stable Soil Aggregates from a Long-Term Temperate Agroecosystem and Implications on Soil Carbon Stabilization. ACS Agricultural Science and Technology 1(4) , 294-302. 10.1021/acsagscitech.0c00074. SGM Agriculture
Munira, Sirajum; Dynes, James J.; Islam, Mofizul; Khan, Fahad; Adesanya, Theresa et al. (2021). Relative proportions of organic carbon functional groups in biochars as influenced by spectral data collection and processing. Chemosphere 283, 131023. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131023. SGM Agriculture
Negassa, Wakene; Eckhardt, Kai‐Uwe; Regier, Tom; Leinweber, Peter (2021). Dissolved organic matter concentration, molecular composition, and functional groups in contrasting management practices of peatlands. Journal of Environmental Quality 50(6) . 10.1002/jeq2.20284. SGM Agriculture
Phue, Wut H.; Bahadi, Mazen; Dynes, James J.; Wang, Jian; Kuppili, Venkata S. C. et al. (2021). Protein–biomolecule interactions play a major role in shaping corona proteome: studies on milk interacted dietary particles. Nanoscale 13(31) , 13353-13367. 10.1039/d1nr03712a. SM Agriculture
Bhattarai, Surendra; Liu, Na; Karunakaran, Chithra; Tanino, Karen K.; Fu, Yong-Bi et al. (2021). Tissue specific changes in elements and organic compounds of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars differing in salt tolerance under salt stress. Journal of Plant Physiology 264, 153485. 10.1016/j.jplph.2021.153485. IDEAS, MID-IR, VESPERS Agriculture
Li, Jinhua; Liu, Peiyu; Tamaxia, Alima; Zhang, Heng; Liu, Yan et al. (2021). Diverse Intracellular Inclusion Types Within Magnetotactic Bacteria: Implications for Biogeochemical Cycling in Aquatic Environments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126(7) . 10.1029/2021jg006310. SM Agriculture
Willick, Ian R.; Stobbs, Jarvis; Karunakaran, Chithra; Tanino, Karen K. (2020). Phenotyping Plant Cellular and Tissue Level Responses to Cold with Synchrotron-Based Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and X-Ray Computed Tomography. Methods in Molecular Biology , 141-159. 10.1007/978-1-0716-0660-5_11. BMIT-BM, MID-IR Agriculture
Kim, Seon Hwa; Lahlali, Rachid; Karunakaran, Chithra; Vujanovic, Vladimir (2021). Specific Mycoparasite-Fusarium Graminearum Molecular Signatures in Germinating Seeds Disabled Fusarium Head Blight Pathogen’s Infection. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(5) , 2461. 10.3390/ijms22052461. MID-IR Agriculture
Guldiken, Burcu; Konieczny, Dellaney; Wang, Ning; Hou, Anfu; House, James D. et al. (2021). Effect of variety and environment on the physicochemical, functional, and nutritional properties of navy bean flours. European Food Research and Technology 247(7) . 10.1007/s00217-021-03745-7. MID-IR Agriculture