Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
James, Ashley (2021). Accumulation, distribution and chemical form of organic mercury in brain tissue and larval zebrafish (Danio rerio). University of Saskatchewan. CLS-APS Agriculture
VanderSchee, Cassidy R (2021). Distribution and Speciation of Tungsten in Bone. McGill University. CLS-APS Agriculture
Simpson, Rachel; Varney, Tamara L.; Coulthard, Ian; Swanston, Treena; Grimes, Vaughan et al. (2021). Insights into biogenic and diagenetic lead exposure in experimentally altered modern and archaeological bone: Synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence imaging. Science of the Total Environment 790, 148144. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148144. CLS-APS Agriculture
Dhindwal, Poonam (2021). Annotation, Biochemical and structural analysis of the Helicobacter pylori flagellum chaperone FlgN in complex with its binding partners: FlgK and FliI. Supervisor: Moore, Stanley. SK, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Ahmed, Dalia (2021). Inhibitors of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a Potential Antimicrobial Drug Target. Supervisor: Sanders, David. SK, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Lin, Chang Sheng-Huei (2021). Peptidoglycan binding by Pgp2 and Ape1 determines Campylobacter jejuni helical cell shape. Supervisor: Murphy, Michael E. P.. BC, Canada: University of British Columbia. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Agriculture
Tamura, Kazune (2021). Functional dissection of beta-glucan utilization by prominent human gut symbionts. Supervisor: Brumer, Harry. BC, Canada: University of British Columbia. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Powers, Mark J.; Fabbri, Matteo; Doschak, Michael R.; Bhullar, Bhart-Anjan S.; Evans, David C. et al. (2021). A new hypothesis of eudromaeosaurian evolution: CT scans assist in testing and constructing morphological characters. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 41(5) , e2010087. 10.1080/02724634.2021.2010087. BMIT-ID Agriculture
Kimber, M.S.; Forrester, T.J.B. (2021). Cannabis sativa bibenzyl synthase. Protein Data Bank: 7sgy. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Boddington, Kelly F.; Soubeyrand, Eric; Van Gelder, Kristen; Casaretto, José A.; Perrin, Colby et al. (2021). Bibenzyl synthesis in Cannabis sativa L.. Plant Journal 109(3) . 10.1111/tpj.15588. [PDB: 7sgy] CMCF-ID Agriculture
Huang, Jing; Huang, Gordon; Xin, Xiaying; Halstead, David; Gaetz, Katelyn et al. (2021). Characterization of canola growth and in-vivo element fate in Canadian prairie under the interferences of tillage and residue treatment. Journal of Cleaner Production 320, 128707. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128707. MID-IR, VESPERS Agriculture
Baumann, Karen; Eckhardt, Kai-Uwe; Acksel, Andre; Gros, Peter; Glaser, Karin et al. (2021). Contribution of biological soil crusts to soil organic matter composition and stability in temperate forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 160, 108315. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108315. SGM Agriculture
Hussain, Syed I.; Phillips, Lori A.; Hu, Yongfeng; Frey, Steven K.; Geuder, David S. et al. (2021). Differences in phosphorus biogeochemistry and mediating microorganisms in the matrix and macropores of an agricultural clay loam soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 161, 108365. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108365. SXRMB Agriculture
Ariana Dylis Forand (2021). The Cell Wall as a Barrier Against Water Loss and Plant Pathogens. Supervisor: Tanino, Karen. SK, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. VLS-PGM Agriculture
Rutbeek, N.R.; Prehna, G. (2021). Prx in complex with ComR DNA-binding domain. Protein Data Bank: 7n1n. CMCF-ID Agriculture