Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Bartokova, Bibiana; Laredo, Thamara; Marangoni, Alejandro G.; Pensini, Erica (2023). Mechanism of tetrahydrofuran separation from water by stearic acid. Journal of Molecular Liquids 391, 123262. 10.1016/j.molliq.2023.123262. BXDS-WLE Environment
Bartokova, Bibiana; Marangoni, Alejandro G.; Laredo, Thamara; Pensini, Erica (2023). Effect of sorbitan ester structure on the separation between tetrahydrofuran and water. Frontiers in Soft Matter 3. 10.3389/frsfm.2023.1329058. BXDS-WLE, MID-IR Environment
Chadirji-Martinez, Kamil; Hudon, Guillaume; Chernikov, Roman; Heredia, Emillio; Feng, Renfei et al. (2023). Thorium speciation in ilmenite concentrates from the Mandena deposit, Madagascar: Implications for environmental remediation and thorium beneficiation. Applied Geochemistry , 105872. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2023.105872. BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY, VESPERS Environment
Firmano, Ruan F.; Peak, J. Derek; Schmidt, Michael P.; Alleoni, Luís R. F. (2023). Phosphate and myo-Inositol Hexakisphosphate Adsorption onto Hematite as Affected by Ca2+, Mg2+, and pH. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry . 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.3c00192. SGM Environment
Gao, Sichen; Huang, Gordon; Zhang, Peng; Xin, Xiaying; Yin, Jianan et al. (2023). Toxicity and mechanism of nanoplastics to phytoplankton in high-latitude aquatic ecosystems of Canadian prairie: Effects of multiple environmental factors. Science of the Total Environment 893, 164676. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164676. MID-IR Environment
Jia, Xiaocen; Majzlan, Juraj; Ma, Liyuan; Liu, Peng; Fan, Peikuan et al. (2023). Novel insights into the mechanisms for Sb mobilization in groundwater in a mining area: A colloid field study. Journal of Hazardous Materials 459, 132212. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.132212. CLS-APS Environment
Pastorek, Adam; Bernath, Peter; Boudon, Vincent (2023). High resolution infrared spectra of neopentane: Rovibrational analysis of bands at 8.3–6.4 μm. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 311, 108788. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2023.108788. FAR-IR Environment
Shabtai, Itamar A.; Wilhelm, Roland C.; Schweizer, Steffen A.; Höschen, Carmen; Buckley, Daniel H. et al. (2023). Calcium promotes persistent soil organic matter by altering microbial transformation of plant litter. Nature Communications 14(1) . 10.1038/s41467-023-42291-6. MID-IR, SGM Environment
Wu, Yudi; Pae, Lois M.; Gu, Chunhao; Huang, Rixiang (2023). Phosphorus Chemistry in Plant Ash: Examining the Variation across Plant Species and Compartments. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 7(11) , 2205-2213. 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.3c00145. SXRMB Environment
Xu, Suwei; Gu, Chunhao; Rodrigues, Jorge L. M.; Li, Chongyang; Bohannan, Brendan et al. (2023). Soil phosphorus cycling across a 100‐year deforestation chronosequence in the Amazon rainforest. Global Change Biology 30(1) . 10.1111/gcb.17077. SXRMB Environment
Zhang, Aria; Bain, Jeff G.; Schmall, Adrienne; Ptacek, Carol J.; Blowes, David W. et al. (2023). Geochemistry and mineralogy of legacy tailings under a composite cover. Applied Geochemistry 159, 105819. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2023.105819. SXRMB Environment