Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Alivia Mukherjee (2022). Generation of activated carbon from spent coffee grounds: Process optimization, kinetics and CO2 capture. Supervisor: Ajay K. Dalai, Catherine Niu. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. MID-IR, SGM Materials
Braun, Patrick M. (2023). Investigating Local Interactions of Transition Metal Ions in Correlated Materials. Supervisor: Moewes, Alexander; Green, Robert J.. Saskatchewan, Canda: University of Saskatchewan. REIXS Materials
Daly, Katelynn (2023). Synchrotron-based investigation of nanoscaled water-splitting electrocatalysts for clean energy storage. Supervisor: Trudel, Simon. Alberta, Canada: University of Calgary. HXMA, SGM, SXRMB Materials
Deng, Sixu (2022). Development of High Performance Cathodes: From Liquid to Solid-State Batteries. Supervisor: Sun, Xueliang. Ontario, Canada: University of Western Ontario. HXMA, SGM, SXRMB Materials
Denis AB Therien (2022). Plasmonically-Active Nanomaterials for Enhanced Second- Harmonic Generation and Chemical ReactionsHarmonic Generation and Chemical Reaction. Supervisor: Lagugné-Labarthet, François. Ontario, Canada: The University of Western Ontario. MID-IR Materials
El Gamal, Islam Mohamed Medhat (2023). A Novel Metrology Standard for Synchrotron Produced Monochromatic X-ray Beams. Supervisor: McEwen, Malcolm R.. Ontario, Canada: Carleton University. BMIT-ID Materials
Erick Soares Lins (2022). Dual Optical Frequency Comb Time-resolved Spectroscopy for Surface-Enhanced Spectroelectrochemistry. Supervisor: Burgess, Ian, J.. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. MID-IR Materials
Glendon Rhoades (2024). Exploring the Capabilities of Computed Tomography with Bent Laue Crystal Optics. Supervisor: Chapman, Dean. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Materials
Gunes, Ozan (2023). Fabrication of Vanadium Dioxide Thin Films and their Structural, Optical and Electrical Characterization for Optoelectronic Applications. Supervisor: Kasap, Safa O.. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. SXRMB, VLS-PGM Materials
Haytham Bassyouny Abdelsalam Elsayed Eraky (2024). Ex-situ and In-situ Soft X-Ray Spectro-Microscopy Studies of Manganese Oxide Electrodes for Energy Storage Applications. Supervisor: Hitchcock, Adam P.. Ontario, Canada: McMaster University. . SGM, SM Materials
Hyungki Shin (2023). Study of 4+ and 3+ titanate oxide thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Supervisor: Zou, Ke. British Columbia, Canada: University of British Columbia. REIXS Materials
Jiarui Li (2022). Electronic Structure and Emergent Orders in Correlated Nickelates. Supervisor: Riccardo Comin. MA, USA: Massachusetts Institute Of Technology. REIXS Materials
Liuqing Yang (2022). Analyzing Enhanced Electrochemiluminescence of Novel Materials. Supervisor: Ding, Zhifeng. ON, Canada: The University of Western Ontario. VLS-PGM Materials
Lu Yao (2024). Black TiO2 NTs and ZnO-TiO2 NTs Heterostructure: Synthesis, Characterization, and Synchrotron-based Spectroscopy Studies Characterization, and Synchrotron-based Spectroscopy Studies. Supervisor: Sham Tsun-Kong. Ontario, Canada: The University of Western Ontario. . REIXS, SGM Materials
Michael Ryan MacIver (2022). Composition and Structure in Flocculated Mineral Systems. Supervisor: Pawlik, Marek. British Columbia, Canada: The University of British Columbia. BMIT-ID Materials