Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Amor, Matthieu; Faivre, Damien; Chevrier, Daniel M. (2021). Crystal-chemical and biological controls of trace and minor element incorporation into magnetite nanocrystals. Patent Number: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2021-j7qj2. CLS-APS Materials
Berkenbrock, Jose Alvim; Suzuki, Daniela Ota Hisayasu; Wells, Garth; Mail, Matthias; Scherer, Torsten et al. (2021). Analysis of High Aspect Ratio Nanopores for Resistive Pulse Sensing Applications Through Numerical Simulations. . 10.1109/nmdc50713.2021.9677508. SYLMAND Materials
Cheng, H. Y.; Chien, W C.; Kuo, I. T.; Yang, C. H.; Chou, Y. C. et al. (2021). Optimizing AsSeGe Chalcogenides by Dopants for Extremely Low IOFF, High Endurance and Low Vth Drift 3D Crosspoint Memory. . 10.1109/iedm19574.2021.9720704. BXDS-WLE Materials